Me Me -Versatile Me!

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I have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award by Freja at The Grey Witches  for my Stories by Bee site.  I know many of you will have seen the award I got for my poses site.  If not, you can see it HERE.  I must be really uninteresting, as coming up with another 7 facts was super hard!

Thank you so much Freja for this award!  The Grey Witches, is a story about three witches; Grey Granny, her daughter Shasta and her daughter Taiga, who is still a child in the beginning of the story.  All three are of a varying skill level in their witch craft with a hidden story behind their life.  The photography for this story is gorgeous and I urge everyone to check it out, if you haven’t already. 



The rules:

  • Write 7 interesting facts about yourself

  • Nominate 15+ amazing bloggers for this award.







7 Uninteresting Facts About Me – LOL

  1.  I have a very sarcastic mind (i.e. the title I have provided)  but I am never unkind.  I think many things I never say, which is a result of my serious training.
  2. Until the age of 21, I went through extensive etiquette training.  Since my parents were in the public eye, it was important that I always behave in a proper manner.  One time I tried walking down the sidewalk holding my boyfriends hand.  Within half an hour my parents found out and you can imagine the trouble I found myself in as a result.  In cleaning out my mother’s house last year, I found all those books I studied from.  I tossed them.  I will choose to teach my children what I believe is necessary for these times and nothing more.
  3. I don’t believe in luck.  You will never see or hear me wishing you good luck. Screenshot-134
  4. I’ve been through 3 close up tornadoes.  Scariest moments of my life.  Only one damaged our property.  The first one we were in a camping trailer at a campsite.  We got into a very deep ditch! The second one crossed a major highway in front of us while we were on holiday. Destroyed our windshield.  The third hit our home. All those were when I was a child. Then four years ago, a tornado formed above our home, but due to high winds it moved on to destroy a tourist town forty five minutes away.  Six years ago, I saw a gustnado form in farmer’s field next to me. With no where to go, I watched it travel in the same direction as myself, then peter out in front of me about 3 kms from where it started.  There are more to tell you about, like the time one smashed my brand new van while we were at the community building for a all village event……Needless to say, tornadoes are a huge fear for me from April to October and we have detailed safety plans for our family because of my experiences.
  5.  Julie Garwood is my favourite author.  I don’t know why exactly when there are so many other great writers to give that honor.  I’m a lover of mystery books that have a background story of the characters themselves.  Even perhaps, a bit of love.  My senior, next door neighbour from England, had her entire published collection twenty years ago. We became fast friends while I used her book shelf like a library.  Then, my husband gave me Ransom as a gift and I cherish that book immensely.  Since the story is based in Scotland where my family is from, I’m sure that has had a big impact on my love for this book.I will never again read anything like Harlequin romance novel though.  (read one in my teens because my mother had them)  Not my cup of tea. 
  6. I’m terrified of German Shepherd dogs. (no offense to anyone who has one)  When I was about nine years old, my friend had been sick for a week, so my father drove me out to her house in the country to deliver her homework.  I was approaching the door, when this dog came around the house and attacked me.  Ever since then, I just freeze and cover my face when I see one.  I would like to have one myself really, as they are a beautiful breed with great capability.  My neighbour across the street has one and I forced myself to spend time with him so I have gotten better.  They also had him trained by a professional for about 9 months so they have full control.  I still bear the scar on my leg from that day.
  7. I always like to see the best in people no matter what.  Even when they do something terrible, I look for the underlying reason why they would have done so.  I want people to be good.  It’s my strength and also my weakness.  As a teacher, we are taught there is no such thing as a bad child…I only wish that could be true for the adults as well.



My Nominees –

So many have already, or recently received this award, so my list is small.

Forever Darkness
Fine Lines
Eternally Yours

Stories and Sundries
Maiden Lissa’s Stories
Twisted Fairytale