Liebster Award

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liebsterawards.jpgIt’s always fun when the awards come around, especially because the questions are so creative and the answers are so interesting to read!

I originally received this award from SweetPoyzin last year.  Yesterday I was nominated by RosemaryMarie at Noble Doubt and today by Keva at Envision The Story.  All three writers have blog stories that I read and absolutely love, so if you get the chance and need a little entertainment, you will know where to click.  Thank you so much, both of you for the nomination.

The rules are as follows:

–Say thank you to the person who has nominated you for the award.
– Answer the 11 questions the person has asked you.
– Nominate people (comment on their blog to let them know).
– Ask the people you have nominated 11 questions

RosemaryMarie’s Questions

  1. If you had to be named after a city, state, country, etc., which one would you want it to be?
    A- I have no idea.  Since I don’t travel, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.  Something peaceful though
  2. Do you have anyone you go to for advice? Online or in person?
    A-online and in person
  3. What is your perfect pizza?
    A- hawaiian which I can’t eat anymore since my daughter is allergic to pineapple
  4. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
    A- where is everybody?
  5. What is the last movie you saw and what did you think of it?
    A- I think Passengers, and it was okay, nothing like the trailers portrayed
  6. If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life, what would you do differently?
    A-probably oh so much.  But I try not to regret life so I don’t dwell
  7. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
    A- Treehouse, which is just saw Around the Sims has one  Click HERE
  8. What is the last thing you bought?
    A- Groceries.  See, boring life I lead
  9. Have you ever heard of Euchre, Dutch Blitz or Farkle and do you know how to play?
    Euchre yes.  Dutch Blitz sounds like a skipping game and Farkle must be for the fairies
  10. How old were you when you last went trick or treating?
    A- Last went?  Was I supposed to stop?  LOL actually we don’t celebrate Halloween here
  11. If you could travel in time, would you go to the past or to the future and why?
    A- Past.  So many moments in history I would love to have seen.  Maybe even met Jesus.

Keva’s Questions

  1. Mountains or the beach?  Why?
    A- Both.  The beach to relax and de-stress, the mountains so you always have something to inspire dreams.
  2. What is your favorite food?
    A- I really don’t think I have one.  As I am female I could say chocolate.  Oh NO!  Toffee! Chocolate covered cherries!
  3. Where do you find yourself spending most of your time?
    A-Depends on the time of year.
  4. What is your favorite comedy film?
  5. If you could create a color, what would it be and why?
    A-something vibrant
  6. When you were a child, what did you dream about becoming as an adult?
    A-hairdresser, teacher, doctor, child psychologist.
  7. What first sparked your interest in writing?
    A-It was a way to deal with family tragedy
  8. What was your worst subject in school?
    A- highschool was science, although I loved it, college was child psychology because the teacher was determined never to give any student above a C
  9. Do you prefer coffee or tea?
    A-coffee blah, tea mmmmmm
  10. Laptop or desktop?  Why?
    A-Desktop, because the components are interchangeable.
  11. If you had to live on a deserted island for a month, what are six items you would bring with you?
    A- sketch book, pencils, notebook, books to read……………..oh wait, you said deserted.  Well then food, food, food, toothbrush, big fricken knife, satellite phone

People I would like to nominate

Pretty much everyone I know has been given this award at least once, so I am pulling from my list, hoping these choices have not.

  1. Once Upon A Legacy by socallucyfan
  2. Sims 3 Creations by breemiles
  3. The Sims Legacies
  4. Silverdaybreak
  5. Go For The Crown

My Questions To The Nominees Are As Follows

  1.  Are you a half full or half empty kind of person?
  2.  If you go to the library or book store for a book, what genre are you going to first?
  3.  When you play sims, do you prefer small families or large?
  4. Which do you use more often; the dictionary or the thesaurus?
  5. Have you ever taken a writing class?  Would you?
  6. Have you ever killed a sim?
  7. What do you think about love triangles?
  8. How do you feel about online blog story chapters that end in cliff hangers?
  9. Do you use poses in your story? Would you?
  10. If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do?
  11. Lastly, because I really liked this question of Keva’s, I’m passing it on.  If you had to live on a deserted island for a month, what are six items you would bring with you?