Chapter 24 Jin Copes With Loss

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Screenshot-17Bartender, give me something fruity and fizzy and keep them coming.



“Jin we have been looking everywhere for you! Are you all right?”

“Heyyyyy, pretttty ladeee!  Gives me a hug.”

“Jin, I’m taking you home!”

“No,” and I pushed away from her.  “Not going to that place, not ever.”  Why was the floor tilting?

“You can’t stay here.”

Then I saw the police officer stand up and come our way…or was that two?  Hahahahaha, now it’s three.  Whoops!

“Can I help you young lady?” the three headed man said.

“No, no I think I got it,”  she said, but suddenly I was feeling like I was falling.  Was I falling?

“Okay,” said the pretty lady.  “Maybe help me get him up the stairs into the cab?  I can take it from there.”

Then I was moving, like I was on a skate board cause my feet weren’t working.  “Where are we going?”

“Home Jin.  I’m taking you home.”

“Really.  Gonna need a boat for that.”

“What?  Why would we need a boat?” the pretty lady asked.

“Cause that is where I live.  hahahaha  I’m gonna lay on your lap.  Mmmmm such a nice lap.”

“Jin I’m taking you to the Monty’s”

“No!” and I shot upright.  Whoa s’everything ssspinning.  “I don’t wanna go there, nah ah.”

“Then where do you want to go?”

“I know we can go to the lake.  Whatcha think of that?”  Then I flopped back down onto her lap.

“If that is what you want then.  Driver, I’m sorry.  Can you turn around and take us to the lake?”

“Jin come on, you need to get out of the car.”  The pretty lady was pulling on my arm but I was sssure comfy.  Then I heard the man say “Here miss, let me,” and then I seemed to be flying through the air.

It was a full moon so it was easy to see the preeety lake.  Everything was just so preeety.



“Heyyyy, I know you.  My preetty Katie.”




“Pssst, come here!  You remember that thing you wanted to do before Prom?  Let’s do it now. Purrrrrrr.” My lips found her ear and I used my tongue running all the way down her neck to the V opening of her shirt.


Mooooan….”Oh My!  Jin I-“



“Jin wait.  As much as I really really want to…you’re drunk.  We should wait.”

“Great.   Jussst great.  Chalk that up to another thing in my life that is wrong.  My whole Screenshot-26life, it’s all, all wrong.”



“Jin hold on a minute.  What is wrong?  What happened?”


“Never mind.  Just go away.  Leave me alone.  Whoa!”  Then I was on the ground.


“Jin talk to me.  Please!”Screenshot-28“It’s all falling apart.  I’m never gonna see them again.  She’s gone and now he will never let me come back.  I will never see them again.”

“I don’t understand.  Who? Who is gone.  Who won’t you see again?”

“My mom.  My mom, shee’s dead.”


“Oh Jin.  I’m so sorry.”

“She died and now I will never see Sun again.  He won’t let me.  He will keep her all to himself.”

“Sun?  Who is Sun?”

“Sun.  You know, Sun.  She’s my One.  Like a fairy.  I won’t ever have my one again and I will die a bitter unhappy old man.”  Then I couldn’t help it but I laughed, cause I was thinking of my best friend.

Katie pulled back from me and sat on the ground.  I couldn’t looked at her face.  “You should go. Just go!  I want to be alone.”

Katie left and I spent the night by the fire.  Luckily I sweet talked a taxi driver to bring me some more juice with the promise of a nice tip.  I pulled all the money out of my pocket and just shoved it at him.


I was still sitting in the exact same spot the next night never having left the lake.


Wednesday 6:00 a.m.

Screenshot-37“Wakey-wakey Mr. Bell.  Rise and shine.”

I woke to the rising sun in my face and a head pounding like someone was stabbing it with a hundred knives.  But it was when the smell of cooking hot dogs reached my nostrils that I knew I was in serious trouble.  I bolted off the table and promptly threw up on the grass.

Screenshot-39“Ugggg, kill me know.”

“Feeling pretty sick huh.  Well two days of juicing will do that do a body.”

“Who in their right mind eats hot dogs for breakfast and can you please move them somewhere else before I vomit again!”

“You’re dehydrated.  You need to drink some water.”

“Forget that.  Hand me another juice.”

“I certainly will not!  You are done.  Do you hear me?  This is not how we handle our problems Jin.  We talk, we cope, we cry.  Have you cried for your mother yet?”

“How did you-“

“Katie told me.  You told her.  Don’t remember that do you?”

I didn’t and I momentarily panicked wondering what else I may have said.

“I’m very sorry Jin.  Losing a parent is hard, like no other loss, it hurts in it’s own right and it’s own different way.  Do you want to talk about it?”


“Okay then. When you are ready I will be around.  Come find me day or night.  In the meantime I talked to the principal and told him you won’t be in school today.  I also brought you my tablet upon request from Miss Meirs.  You missed your English final yesterday, and she is willing to let it slide but she wants you to write her an essay.”

“About what?”

“Anything you want.  Maybe use this opportunity to work out all these emotions you are feeling.  I will be back tonight to check on you.  I had better not find out you were back into the juice.  If you do, you are off my team and I will make sure you get kicked off the collegiate team as well.  Got it?”

At this point I was feeling so sick all I could do was nod my head.

“I will leave those dogs for you.  Water and food Jin.  It will help.”

I laid there seriously wondering if I was going to die.


CC Used In This Chapter


Sims In A Storm   99 Bottles of Beer   I’m So Lonely   Troubled Pain